* REDLAA authorized laboratory
+(593) 2 2490575 - 2494148
0979296335 - 0984034148
Quito - Ecuador
Participant of
Leaf Sampling
Basic recommendations for leaf sampling:
The samples must collected by a person specially trained for this job. It is preferable that it is always the same person.
The leaves should be placed in paper bags or perforated plastic bags.
Each sample must be identified with the corresponding information: name of the farm, contact person, telephone, e-mail, date of sample collection, crop, lot / block and kind of analysis required.
The maximum timeframe to send the sample to the laboratory is two days from the collection of the sample. If more time is required, keep the sample refrigerated before shipment.
Direct sunlight exposure and high temperatures should be avoided.
NOTE: To offer you a better service, please send the samples with the "Analysis Request Form" filled with the required information.
The type of tissue to be analyzed depends on each crop, age and part of the plant: