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* REDLAA authorized laboratory
+(593) 2 2490575 - 2494148
0979296335 - 0984034148
Quito - Ecuador
Participant of
Aquaculture Soil Analysis (Shrimp farms)
Special analysis developed in our laboratory in cooperation with shrimp farming companies.
Determine the favorable and harmful conditions present in soils / sediments of shrimp ponds. For the extraction of elements in the soil / sediment a special chemical extractant is used for this purpose.
Standard analysis with determination of: pH, Redox Potential, EC, Total Salts, Organic Matter, Particle Fraction, Cation Exchange Capacity, Total Nitrogen, Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonium, P, K, Mg, Ca, SO4, Na, Cl¯, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B.
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