* REDLAA authorized laboratory
+(593) 2 2490575 - 2494148
0979296335 - 0984034148
Quito - Ecuador
Participant of
Sample Collection Postharvest Area
Water Sampling for the Silver Thiosulfate - STS Analysis:
The volume of the sample to be shipped to the laboratory should be 100 ml.
The container can be made of glass or plastic, preferably with a tight-fitting screw cap.
It is important that it does not contain any residue. It is recommended wash the container several times with water similar to that to be sent as a sample. Agrochemical containers should not be used.
Each sample is identified with their information: name of the farm, contact person, telephone, e-mail, date of sample collection, crop, lot / block and type of analysis required.
The sample should be shipped to the laboratory preferably on the same day as the sample collection. Exposure to the sun and high temperatures should be avoided.
NOTE: To offer you a better service, please send the samples with the "Analysis Request Form" filled with the required information.
Tissue Sampling for the Silver Thiosulfate - STS Analysis:
At least 6 flower stems should be collected that have received the same postharvest hydration treatment.
For tissue analysis It must be shipped to the laboratory the same day the sample is taken. The stems should preferably be wrapped in moistened paper (post-harvest paper).
If the shipment is delayed, it should be stored in the cold room or refrigerator, exposure to the sun and high temperatures should be avoided.
Each sample must be accompanied by the following information: Name of the farm, contact person, telephone, e-mail, date of sample collection, culture, lot / block and type of analysis required (preferably indicate in which type of tissue of the stems sent is required to perform the analysis) .
If possible, it should be indicated whether the results of the analysis should be expressed as: Amount of Silver or Amount of Silver Thiosulfate and in ppm or μmol.